Psychological adjustment and construction after the earthquake
Psychotherapist, Ms. Janet Lu (Chia-chen Lu)
April 19, 2019
Recently, the earthquakes in Taiwan have been frequent, especially since the Hualien Earthquake at noon yesterday, the magnitude of the earthquake reached 6.2. There are also four levels in Taipei, which scared the residents of Taiwan. Many people developed post-disaster trauma syndrome, dizziness, chest tightness, wheezing, excessive sensitivity .How can you adjust your mental health in this situation?
Lu Chia-chen(Ms. Janet Lu), a consulting psychologist at Focus & Forecast Consultant Consulting Co., Ltd. and Humanitarian Coaching & Counseling Center and Yang Chongcai Clinic-Psychological Health Education Center specifically appealed to everyone:
According to Steven Hobfoll, an American psychologist, the psychological stability of the five proverbs:” Safety, Calming, personal efficacy, connectedness and Hope" to help himself calm down and recover from the panic after the earthquake. What are we going to do?
First, to improve safety (safety)
Ensuring your own and the environment safety: improving the safety of your home life, such as: old houses reconstruction, sorting out the environment, reducing the possibility of falling items, regularly repairing houses, reducing excessive exposure to disaster scenes and information, you can improve your sense of security and reduce the catastrophic cognition by the physical traumatic stress response caused by the earthquake.
Second, promote stability and calm (calming)
Activities that promote positive emotions, such as relaxation exercises, abdominal breathing, meditation, relaxation, listening to music, singing, etc., can promote internal stability and calm, reduce traumatic anxiety caused by earthquakes, and alleviate anxiety caused by strong negative emotion and dysfunctional behaviors (e.g., sleep, diet, etc.).
Third, enhance self and collective efficacy (personal-& collective efficacy):
By doing things that make you feel valuable and capable, you can create "I can feel" (the ability I can do) and improve my ability to resist stress.
In addition, you can try to settle your body and mind by regular work, sleep, diet and exercises, so that you can gradually return to the right track. In addition, does one thing at a time, by cutting a large task into several small transactions, one by one, will gradually pick up the ability of the past and exercise their ability to resist.
Fourth: connected with others, connected (connectedness)
Actively seek social support, find groups that can support you, through the companionship and support of relatives and friends, the emotions brought by the experience of earthquake trauma can be understood and accepted, and information related to disaster response can be obtained to solve realistic problems.
Five, Instilling hope(hope)
For disasters that have already occurred, avoid unnecessary self-blame; self-talk, try to use encouraging and positive words to yourself. Focus on the resources and strength that can help individuals achieves their goals, try to make the current day go well and slowly recover from the pain. Avoid unnecessary blame for what has happened. Seeking for religion support also can relieve from anxiety and instilling hope, e.g. go to Church, Bible study, or go to temple, etc. For psychical reasons,
People seek for religion comfort can reduce stress and have the Brain neuron repaired.
Psychotherapist, Ms. Lu, Chia-chen(Ms. Janet Lu) suggested that if you try to do the above that your stress and anxiety reactions still cannot be solved, don't worry. Try to let the mental health profession (Physical and mental department or psychological counseling) help you through this time!